This is FPZ’s creed for the year 2023. Discover stories, curiosities and similarities between the natural world and the company for each month of the FPZ calendar. Let’s cultivate a passion for sustainability, biodiversity and the environment together.


The barn owl is a nocturnal bird of prey belonging to the Strithidae family. In recent decades, these legendary animals have attracted the attention of numerous writers who have assimilated their figure, full of suggestions and contrasts. In 1982 Alberto Moravia published Stories of prehistory, a collection of stories with humanized animals as protagonists and one of these is “It is not convenient to love a stork”. Despite the title, the protagonist is Barba Gianni, the solitary inhabitant of a dark cave. Remaining on the subject of fairy tales and fantasy, barn owls could not be missing from the Harry Potter saga, which makes great use of birds of prey of all kinds, precisely because of their association with the world of magic. In both books and films, many barn owls appear as winged “postmen” delivering letters. And it is precisely to a barn owl that Shakespeare probably refers in some verses of the third part of Henry VI (act five, scene 4) when he says: “and whoever does not want to fight for such a hope, go to bed or, like the barn owl by day in flight, be an object of ridicule and wonder”. Candid and plump, with luminous and very silent plumage, barn owls are extremely fascinating and enjoy great fame in history and literature. Described as a symbol of wisdom, power and elegance, these nocturnal birds of prey embody the canons of harmony and power of FPZ which offers intelligent solutions in fluid handling, simplifying it. 


The clownfish known for its vivid and flamboyant colors is a teleost fish that is part of the Amphiprioniae subfamily. The Clownfish has become a small star of the oceans and aquariums since 2003 thanks to the release of the famous Walt Disney cartoon “Finding Nemo” which tells the adventures of a young clownfish named Nemo, curious and eager to discover the world with all its facets. Nemo is a lively, sociable and cooperative fish and is the perfect metaphor for one of the 5 pillars of FPZ: people. Clownfish cooperate every day with sea anemones and other fish to survive, in the same way FPZ’s success comes from people and their ability to commit and trust each other to preserve their well-being and implement continue small improvements in favor of the company. 


The ladybug, which has always been a symbol of luck, abundance and happiness, belongs to the beetle family and is present all over the world with over 6000 species; some of them are easily recognizable by the color and number of dots on their wings. This nice insect has become particularly popular among children and teenagers starting from 2015 with the release of the television series Miraculous which sees the young Marinette, a student of contemporary Paris, become the bearer of the Miraculous of the ladybug which gives her the powers of creation and of luck. Through her incredible ingenuity and the help of other champions of justice, also bearers of the Miraculous, the modern heroine teaches us that despite adversity through creative ideas and a pinch of luck it is possible to find a solution in any situation. Luck in the story is the missing object that is provided to the protagonist, through the evocation of her power, and which allows her to implement her plan to defeat the villains. The FPZ philosophy works just like the Ladybug Miraculous! The necessary tools are placed in people’s hands to help them find a way forward but never the solution. Each person gets involved every day and does their best to find new ideas, thinking about possible solutions and opportunities for business growth that are reflected in personal and professional growth. 


To counteract the fragmentation and simplification of the soil deriving from intensive monocultures and the increase in urbanization and to feed the bees, FPZ has chosen to plant native species of trees with a high melliferous potential to further support local biodiversity with significant positive impacts. FPZ became bee keeper in 2021 by adopting 3 apiaries guaranteeing their well-being and constant monitoring by restoring the right value to a precious food such as honey.  

Some curiosities about trees and honey:  

Honey is a food that has accompanied man from prehistoric times until today. We know that bees appeared between 50 and 25 million years ago, but the first evidence of the encounter between man and bee dates back to about 10 thousand years ago. In fact, a cave painting found in Valencia, in Cueva de la Arana, dates back to the Neolithic. The image depicts a man climbing a tree or a cliff, surrounded by flying bees. The honey hunter collects the honeycombs in a basket using the smoke to facilitate his work. What began as a casual activity then became more specialized: honey gatherers were held in high regard and well respected. 

 From the simple search for wild swarms to collect honey, we gradually moved on to their breeding. We have certain data of this practice in the period of Ancient Egypt, about 3000 years before the birth of Christ. In Ancient Egypt honey was a food intended only for the highest castes, but it also had a ritual value and was used in medicine. In fact, during archaeological excavations, jars of honey were found in the tombs of the pharaohs and it is known that it was also used during mummification rites. It was also used to treat digestive disorders, burns and wounds. Honey was so important that it was also used as currency. 


Squirrels are simply adorable creatures. The Eurasian squirrel in particular is very common in Switzerland and is often called the red squirrel or simply the squirrel. In Europe it is the only representative of the squirrel genus, which includes 190 species worldwide. Squirrels are typical forest dwellers, their presence is therefore closely linked to the type of forest and the available food supply. They feed on nuts, beech fruits (beechnuts) or spruce seeds. The strong hind legs and bushy tail are ideal for climbing and jumping in the woods. The tail is also used by squirrels as a blanket to keep warm in the nest. Squirrels hide their food supplies in hollows in trees or in underground deposits, mostly near their roots. These hiding places are dug with the front paws and later covered. The squirrel is a very positive and hardworking animal as it is always looking for new nuts. They love to move and exercise and the worst thing for them is to sit and do nothing. They are not afraid to take action and invest their time and effort into something new and productive. Pikachu, the most famous animated character in the world and protagonist of the Pokemon series, is inspired by this energetic animal. Loyal, reliable and vital just like FPZ, always looking for new ideas for its customers and eager to offer effective, stable and safe services. 


Rapeseed has a stem, the size of which varies between approximately 60 and 90 cm, with basal and fleshy dark green leaves and small yellow flowers made up of 4 petals. This plant, known by the scientific name Brassica napus, belongs to the Brassicaceae family and is a natural hybrid between cauliflower and turnip. Its origins are uncertain, it is thought that it derives from temperate Europe, what is certain is its current presence in China, India, Canada and central Europe. As far as the Italian peninsula is concerned, the cultivations of this plant are mainly found in the northern area. It is a very important raw material and is used as: Edible oil, Biofuel for agricultural vehicles for diesel engines and Ingredient with emollient and smoothing properties. 

In the Turin area, in Collegno near Campo Volo there is an expanse of cultivated rapeseed that is a pleasure for the sight of passers-by; even in Cherasco at the bottom of the valley you can admire a sea of gold and finally near Momo – near Novara – the yellow flowers of the plant embellish the surrounding environment making it look like a real painting. During the spring period and until the beginning of summer, the rapeseed flowering offers spectacular views. 


Trees are precious allies in the fight against climate change because they produce oxygen and absorb CO2, trapping it in their trunks, branches and roots. In doing so, they improve air quality and help lower temperatures by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. FPZ has decided to support the Treedom project by planting 600 trees which absorb 654,500 kg of CO2 which would be enough to fill 805 trucks. The project aims to have a positive impact not only on the environment but also on the people who live there. For these reasons, the project areas are mainly in developing countries where the benefits of trees can really make a difference. The FPZ forest thus comes to life in Ecuador, Kenya, Madagascar, Nepal and Tanzania, but not only have we thought of planting trees in Italy, the country of our origins and our culture as well. All the trees planted remain the property of the farmers who, for this project, are financed by FPZ for the production of seedlings, training, distribution and mapping of the trees. The communities acquire skills step by step which they can in turn transfer to others and which offer farmers an income opportunity. Women are an active part of the project, also holding positions of responsibility. Many take care of the more delicate tasks, such as grafting and geotagging trees. Over time they acquire professionalism and skills that allow each of them to have their own economic autonomy. 


There is a place inside the Monti Sibillini Park that offers an exceptional spectacle every year: the flowering of lentils, a typical product of the region. This place is the plateau of Castelluccio di Norcia. Nature is not subject to pre-established rules and it is not possible to know exactly when this happens. Indicatively flowering is expected between the end of May and the beginning of July. The fields planted with lentils explode with colour, tinged with the variety of contemporary and spontaneous flowering of wild flowers: daffodils, cornflowers, gentians, poppies and violets. Depending on the time you observe the fields, you can admire new colors and different shades of color, such as to transform all the fields of the plateau into a multicolored palette. In intensive agriculture, wild flowers are considered weeds, but here they contribute to making this spectacle of nature enchanting, further enhancing the production of lentils. Thus also in Fpz, the plurality of human relationships and the professional contribution of each member of the organization create a harmonious system, of uniqueness in diversity, with nuances of opinions which, while respecting their heterogeneity, lead to a symbiotic collaboration. Valuable results are obtained from a variegated mosaic of creative forces: a choral commitment that is perpetuated by the past, projected into the future, but keeps attention focused on the present. 


A common but extraordinary bird, the hoopoe has been the symbol of Lipu (Italian League for the Protection of Birds) for more than fifty years. Thanks to its characteristic and recognizable appearance, the hoopoe is one of the birds that, over the centuries, has fascinated, inspired and sometimes even frightened human beings, populating legends, masterpieces of art, fairy tales and poems. It is mentioned in the Bible and in the Koran, in the ancient Sufi texts and in the comedies of Aristophanes, in the poems of Montale and Foscolo. Let’s find out more about this wonderful bird. Its plumage is truly unmistakable: very light brown on the upper part and horizontal black-and-white stripes on the lower part. The beak is rather long and thin and slightly curved downwards. But the aspect that most characterizes the hoopoe’s silhouette is its crest, an erectile tuft of feathers with a black tip that it can raise at will during the wedding dance or to scare away predators. The hoopoe has inspired man since ancient times for its unmistakable shape, its showy plumage and its fascinating behaviors. There are numerous representations of hoopoes in temples, scrolls and frescoes. In Middle Eastern civilizations and in Ancient Egypt the hoopoe was considered a sacred animal and for this reason it was forbidden to kill it. Symbol of intellectual acuity and wisdom, it takes on a leading role in many cultures. Also in FPZ the role of guide or rather of coach is very important to help people learn to use their own resources and skills independently in order to achieve the goal by working in synergy to facilitate continuous improvement. 


A forest that breathes, trees that sway driven by the wind, the earth that rises and seems to want to explode and then return to normal, as if it were a lung. This is the unusual scene faced by a visitor to the Sacré-Coeur forest in Quebec, Canada. A combination of strong winds, rain and roots produced this extraordinary effect. In fact, it would be the complex underground intertwining that connects the trees of the forest, made more exposed to the wind by the rains of the previous days, to have generated the marvelous synchrony in the movements of the trunks and the ground. An image that recalls Pandora’s forest from the film Avatar of which the second chapter is due out in theaters in December 2022. The theme of Avatar is respect for nature as the energy of a divine being and it is a precious message also for FPZ the concept of sustainability is important and in recent years it has been making an effort to reduce waste, especially paper waste, plant trees and protect biodiversity. 


The raccoon is a very powerful spirit animal with strong night vision abilities. He brings a lot of luck and is known for his innate curiosity which often leads him to venture into unknown places such as cities, thus also demonstrating a great spirit of adaptation. The raccoon is known to remind people that in life one is led to wear many different masks depending on the situations in which one finds oneself. The raccoon throughout its life is led to wear masks to better integrate with the environment, people and other raccoons. The mask, therefore, is not only a purely aesthetic aspect of this cute animal but also a character one. In FPZ you don’t wear masks but rather hats to think about. A useful method that allows people to interpret various points of view by freeing themselves from the schemes and putting themselves in the shoes of others by identifying information and objective data useful for continuing to improve.


In Finnish, the name of the Northern Lights is “Revontulet”, which literally translated means “fox lights”. The name derives from an ancient Finnish myth, a fairy tale about animals, in which the lights were caused by a magical fox who swept the snow with its tail, spraying it into the sky.

In Pliny’s texts, however, it is said that the Northern lights are caused by ancient heroes who fought in the skies. Other beliefs that come from the Algonquin Indians believe that Nanahbozho the Creator, after he finished creating the earth, moved to the deep North, where he still lights fires that are reflected to the south to always remind those he created that his love imperishable. The aurora borealis is also typical of countries where many legends tell of Santa Claus wearing clothes and it is precisely in this special month and with this sensational image that FPZ rediscovers the spirit of Christmas.